How To Invest With Oxeye


Outlined below are the steps needed to open either a Managed Account or to enter one of the Funds. For more information, please contact Oxeye directly. 


Managed Account:

1. Complete know-your-client (KYC) information - Discuss with Oxeye

2. Select product and level of risk - Discuss with Oxeye

3. Complete Account Application Form, Appointment of Agent Form (appointing Oxeye to act on Client's behalf), and Acceptance of Categorisation letter (classifying Client as Professional)

4. Complete Oxeye Discretionary Investment Management Agreement (DIMA) 

5. Provide a Notarised Utility Bill  (proof of residential address) and Notarised Proof of Identity (passport or identity card)

6. Open account and deposit funds with chosen broker, giving Power of Attorney to Oxeye

7. Start trading



1. Apply to the Fund Administrator (Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited)

2. Complete Application Form 

3. Transfer funds to Administrator